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Marriage is Blessing or Curse

  • 14 Sep

Marriage is Blessing or Curse

It is said that marriage is made in heaven but not everyone is blessed with happy married life only few people enjoy the fruits of marriage.

In my astrological journey I have come across with many couple chart who are facing problems in relationship and while analysing the horoscope I found that the compatibility is missing the time when the couple got marriage was not favourable, both the horoscope throwing negativity to each other etc.

Marriage is not only a companionship of 2 individuals but also 2 families are involved. It’s a legal agreement for whole life with a promise of sharing love, joy, and happiness to each other. Pillars of relationship are mutual understanding, love & trust.

But everyone does not get a chance to do and life become miserable post marriage. Why this happens?

I would like to share with you all the importance of match-making


In Country like India lots of rituals are involve in marriage starting from searching a perfect match followed by match making and many more rituals till marriage take place.

Match-making is a traditional approach to select the partner for an individual, which is followed by our ancestor from olden days. Because it is said that if the horoscope matches perfectly well than couple will enjoy happy married life.

Horoscope matching is one of the most important and mandatory task while fixing marriages and it is the only way to find the best match suitable for each other.

Marriage has become challenge for these days:

In modern era people are finding difficulties for choosing the right match therefore delays in marriage are been seen. And many couple after marriage are not satisfied from each other due to one of the other reason.

Match-making is the foundation of new journey which starts post marriage hence it is mandatory for both bride & groom to go for compatibility check. Once the base is strong than the building constructed over the base will be even stronger for life long but if it’s not then the base can’t hold the weight of building and soon it will be collapsed.

The life changes 360 degree post marriage. Bride has to take care of all the family member along with other small thing to make the house well organised and make the family member happy, so the environment of house must be comfortable and people understand and accept her the way she is without demanding much, and a good mutual understanding between the couple will help the bride to serve them well. Similarly for groom being primary source of income he has to take care of everyone financially to run the house so he needs a well-supported bride who stands behind him.

Through match-making only we will get to know about the person, nature, characteristic, and many more stuff.

How we match horoscopes?

·       Astrology

·       Numerology

·       Palmistry

Parameter for Match-making

·       D1 chart & D9 Chart

·       Analysis of Dara Karaka

·       Nadi Dosha, Gun Milan & Astkoot Milan

·       Analysis of 7th house, lord, & Venus need to study well

·       Jupiter, Venus & Mars need to study well

·       Malefic influence on 7th house or its lord or significator will bring problem 

·       Panchang

·       6th & 7th house connection or 7th & 8th house will cause break in marriage


Why match making is important?

Match-making is important because in arrange marriage couple does not know anything about each other and if they are completely opposite to each other then it will destroy their peace and harmony between the couple become challenge.

Astrologically a depth analysis is required for bride and groom to know their life pattern like, promise of marriage, finance, promise of child, sexual abilities, attitudes, tendencies, happiness, wealth, longevity & dasha etc. Once analysis is done then the next step is to do the compatibility between 2 horoscopes keeping the same criteria.

Chart help to find the right match because horoscope indicates about spouse. Marriage is an important event in life so checking every single aspect before making a final decision.

For love marriage also it is as important as arrange marriage because the moment someone special become legal partner the horoscope changes and work accordingly.

It has been seen that for love marriage the relationship went well before marriage but after marriage it won’t.

Some cases there are Dosha in the horoscope so it’s important to do worship to pacify the negativity before marriage ensuring that everything goes smooth.

Now the question people asks that after match-making also marriage breaks why so?

My answer is being a parent our responsibility is to find a best possible match and we must not do any mistake here.

Lord Krishna has said:

"कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥"?

Keep on performing your karma without expecting fruits as you are only responsible for performing karma and fruits are in my hands.

Hence If a horoscope has the promise of dispute, divorce or mishaps, then it will bound to happen but up to certain level we can pacify it by performing rituals, worship, mantra jaap etc. it because we have only 25% authority on our life out of 100%, as the human life are driven by their own karmas, that is why it is said that MIND YOUR KARMA, what goes out-comes in and hit adversely. Only our karma can increase the possibility from 25% to whatever you wish………


·       Worship Maa Laxmi

·       Strengthen 7th house & 7th lord

·       Strengthen South East Zone & South West Zone

·       Organise bedroom 

These are general remedies, customised remedy will be given after analysing the horoscope.

Astrology the divine tool# astrology is my passion# learn astrology from depth# masters the science# understand the karmic connection# make life happier & healthier# gratitude is the only key of satisfaction# vastu # make your living peaceful#


Parul Chandravanshi

An Astrologer & Vastu Consultant

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