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6th House – The house of Rog, Rin, Shatru

  • 07 Jun

6th House – The house of Rog, Rin, Shatru

Astrology is a beautiful gift from our great Saptarishi’s. Everyone get benefited with the help of this powerful divine science and lead a better life.  

Astrology is a beautiful gift from our great Saptarishi’s. Everyone get benefited with the help of this powerful divine science and lead a better life.  

The great Rishi Parashar has discovered the Jyotish in based on four pillars and the four pillars are Bhav, Rashi, Planet and Nakshatra. Every pillars represent a specific area of life. For example - To know any events in life, the first most important pillar to analysis is ‘Bhav’.

And, today I am sharing my knowledge and concept of 6th Bhav horoscope. Same like 8th bhav, 6th bhav is also considered as malefic bhav called Dushthana.

6th house represent – Diseases, enemies, services, loans, court cases, hurdles, injuries, wounds, theft, mother younger sibling, finance, foreign

Sign - Virgo

Exhalted Sign - Mercury

Debilitation Sign – Venus

Significator – Mars, Rahu, Mercury & Saturn


Virgo sign is considered to be the most karmic sign, hence wherever Virgo sign is placed the native has face challenges related to that house significance. Virgo sign also represent the Tantric activity. If 6th house, its lord and Mercury all three are strong making a connection with 9th house then the person the knowledge of Tantric Vidya from past life. It’s also a sign of healing or provide care, offer services which make others happy.


Virgo has 03 Nakshatra:


Magha lord is Ketu which always help in ending of anything so if anyone is lawyer it will help in ending the fight, court case etc. or if anyone is doctor it will help in healing.


Purva Phalguni lord is Venus person does not give importance to their own health.


Utra Phalguni lord is Sun person would like to manage people under him, try to rule over the people, will be attractive.


If 6th house gets into affliction then one may not get sukh of servants like servant may cheat, will not come on time, loss by servants etc., colleague and they will bring problem to native.


What all 6th house can give?


Diseases: All the disease, eyes (Sun or Moon, Venus), teeth or, epilepsy (Venus), skin (Mercury) etc. planet significance are to be checked.


Rin: borrowing money and repayment of loan can be checked from 6th house.


Law: making or breaking the rules are connected with 6th house.


Court case & justice: 6th house is problem created by external people so one of the problem is also connected which court case.


Injuries or theft: If mars is influencing 6th house and mars is not good in the chart it may give injury and if also linked with Rahu then theft may happen to native.


Majorly 6th house is known for disease and some of them are curable and some are non-curable, if 6th house connected with 8th house and also impacting lagna one may have non-curable disease.

If both of this house is making connection with 4th house & 10th house then the vitality issues and this is go with body itself further this can be checked with numerology and palmistry.


If Saturn become the lord of 6th house and being karaka of diseases then Saturn and his aspect will make the native suffer from disease specially when his aspected house & house lord is weak in chart.


We also have to check 22nd drekhan & Nakshatra to identify the disease and severity.


If 6th lord is associated with Saturn, Mars, Ketu & Rahu then incurable disease can be predicted and if moon influence any of them have them than it even make the situation worst.


If 6th house has malefic planet & 6th house is also week then whichever zodiac sign is there it will give health issues to that body part are mentioned below:

Aries: head

Taurus: face, mouth

Gemini: arms, shoulder

Cancer: chest

Leo: stomach

Virgo: intestine

Libra: outer private part

Scorpio: inner private part, waist

Sagittarius: waist, thighs

Capricon: knees

Aquarius: cuff muscles

Pieces: feet, soul of feet


It also give problem through enemies, subordinates, creates the situation for hard work.


And if 6th house is connected with benefic planets then native will not get harmed by enemies, health will be good, and if suffering from illness then it fasten the recovery.


6th house is house of servitude because its fortune house for Karma Sthan for present life and it’s a Karma Sthan of past life. 3rd house will tell how the native will handle the situation of Rog, Rin & Shatru because 3rd is 10th from 6th house.


Points to check how 6th house works are as below:


1)      6th house, 6th house lord & 6th sign, Virgo wherever they placed in chart create challenges to the native, so if 6th lord in 10th house or Virgo in 10th house the native profession will be challenging modes.

2)      If 6th lord afflicting the lagna & 5th house or lord then this indicate the fore-father debt or Kuldevta, or if it’s afflicting with Moon or Venus then Mother’s dosh is indicated.

3)      If 6th lord bad influence on 5th house or lord or both then the native will less intelligence, tend to do physical labour & may have rough hand, will be emotionally low.

4)      If 4th lord is placed 6th from lagna lord or if 4th lord sitting in 6th then inimical relation with mother is seen.

5)      If 4th house is hemmed and 4th lord placed in 6th house then the native has steeling habits.

6)      If Lagna lord & 10th lord are enemy of each other and if 10th lord is placed 6th from lagna or lagna lord then the native does not have good relation with father.

7)      If 6th lord is placed in Kendra’s aspected by malefic planets then the native suffer his/her enemies.

8)      If Saturn is in 6th house then native may have problem with legs.

9)      If 6th house has Aries or Scorpio sign then the native may get harmed by fire incidents.

10)  If 6th house is strong then the native has good professional status but same time there will be relationship issues with spouse.

11)  If 6th lord is placed in 7th house than spouse will have extraordinary life in female horoscope.

12)  If 6th lord in 7th house and conjoined with 10th one will work abroad.

13)  6th house also connected to progeny.

14)  Viprit Rajyog is formed by 6th house.

15)  To become Doctor 6th house is important etc.

16)  Last but not least it’s also called Malecha house


Public Appearance:

If 6th lord is a malefic planet and also conjoined with Rahu or Ketu and further afflicted by malefic planet and Saturn occupies 7th house then the native has deceptive appearance.


Ø  Planet Tulsi Paudha and take care of it.

Ø  Serve your servant, help them.

Ø  Mercury & Venus need to be check to perform remedies.

Ø  Serve needy girl, feed them.

Ø  Donate stationery in school.


!! Om Shanti!!!


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Parul Chandravanshi

An Astrologer & Vastu Consultant

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