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Child Education

  • 14 Sep

Child Education

It is said that 80% of the learning a child receive from home and remaining from school. Whatever learnt from home and people around will throw the energies which child absorb start thinking and behaving accordingly?

It is very important that we being a parent deliver the best environment to our kids which helps them to grow in proper manners.

Child is a creativity of two energies of masculine & feminine energy. So children represent creativity.

If children has a balance of spiritual, mental & physical energies then they will be happy, energetic & cheerful and a positive or a balanced energies will helps in achieving successful direction in life.

According to the above mentioned principal, Vastu has the ability to create a space within your living area which nourish & support them along with maintaining harmony and positive environment.



To locate the best zone of creativity, it’s on west side of your home. It helps the child by activating their learning abilities. So an earthy & metal objects or articles will enhance the child creativity.

Along with West zone, North East zone is also important because it gives insights, mental clearity, empowerment & wisdom.

Tips to enhance west direction:

·       Keep a globe.

·       Affirmations & pictures related to study.

·       Picture of teachers and students to have a good support from teachers.

·       White colour, round shape article is good to keep.

·       Keep Crystal sphere

·       Hang silver wind chime with 7 rods

·       Symbol like Golden Octagonal pyramid.

·       Aroma therapy more than 9 years old child.

·       Remove clutters

·       Keep zone booster if bathroom or any cut in this zone


Tips to enhance north east direction:

·       Keep holy water Ganga Jal.

·       Keep a book rack

·       Post pictures of mountains, greeneries

·       Hang wooden wind chime

·       Keep plants

·       Black & Blue colour water related objects & articles

·       Keep Globe

·       Keep zone booster if bathroom or any cut in this zone

·       Remove clutter


Best Regards


Parul Chandravanshi

An Astrologer & Vastu Consultant

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