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Medical Astrology

  • 14 Sep

Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology

Heart Disease:

·       Sun represent heart in Astrology

·       4th house represent Heart in body part

·       Cancer sign represent heart in body part

·       4/10 axis if in malefic influence one may have heart related issues

·       4th & 5th house does not has strength in chart

·       4th house has malefic planet & 4th lord is connected with malefic

·       4th house/4th lord squeezed between malefic

·       4th lord placed in 8th house & 4th lord is connected with 6th house or its lord and 6th lord aspecting 8th house

·       4th house has Saturn and Sun is connected with 6th or 8th house or its lord

·       Sun, Mars & Jupiter in 4th house generates excess heat which give heart disease

·       4th & 5th in 6th house Navmansh

·       Rahu in 4th house gives sudden



Emotional disturbance & mental trouble


Best Regards


Parul Chandravanshi

An Astrologer & Vastu Consultant

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