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Welcome To Astrolimbs

Our Vision

A world where people understand the science of Stars, plants position, the law of karmas, As everyone is born with a unique gift so discover yourself better than anyone else with the help of astrology. Decode the future and upcoming life events based on Astrology, to live a meaningful, successful and happy life.

Our Mission

My mission to improve and enlighten 1 million people’s life with Prediction and advise based on science of astrology, so that a person can be prepared what is going to come and how to handle it effectively which help a person to grow in all areas of life Health, Relationship, Career, Money and all other aspects of life.

Our Objective

My main purpose to let people get benefited with the ancient science of astrology with consulting and teaching predictive astrology in very simple way to lead the successful, peaceful and happy life style.

About Me

Astrolimbs is an institue which provide services in the field of Astrology, Vastu, Astro-Vastu, Numerolog, Tarot etc. We provide the best services for each individual based on their Birth Chart's. We are dedicated professional to support and advise people to find out the root cause and approach practical recomendations for everyone to make their life happier, easier and smoother. We are delighted to spread the happiness in each individual life. We feel very happy, proud and fortunate to serve people through Astrolimbs.

Astrolimbs is providing customized solution for each individual in regards to overcome from their personal and professional challenges in life such as Marriage, child, Business/Job, Health and many more.

Astrology is a vast subject, unfortunately most people consider it to be a kind of superstitious guide to material progress. If anyone use Astrology only seek of guidance for materialistic gain, then that person will be in wrong track. Astrology is the mathematics of life and past/pending karma. The connection between the stars and human being is very precise. No matter where you are and your situations, the surrounding rays of the earth and universe connects, and your body respond to them.

"Your karma (past karma) was once governed by your will power. Most people try to avoid putting up theirself in a situation, never realising that escaping from situation is a karma. The moment you try to run off, karma multiplies. Acquiring karma has nothing to do with performing good or bad deeds. You simply build karma in each and every moments within yourself with different objectives. Human desire can be limiteless but if you rise above your narrow thoughts of “mine” and “not mine”, that is the end of karma. Leaving everything to the God keeping faith on him is a part of spritual "

"Everybody has a good yogas in birth chart's and to acheive the benefit of it, we can train our brain to create better karma so that good things start to appear in our lives, creating good karma is as simple as trying your best to be a good human being. To counter all this negative energy, which raises the vibrational energy of the whole planet. we should practice to tell the truth, live purposefully, spend time with your self, meditate to connect with God, help people and many more."

Remember " Challenges is part of life and getting out of the Challenges is an art of life".

"If you have control on every single moment either good or bad of your life and you decide to remain clam, happy and peaceful, then you are above the influence of the stars. If you take your steps as per your planets, your life will be much more easier to deal with. You will be no longer feel that you are in trouble, knowing your planet is important to be ready for upcoming events."

Why Choose Us


Know about your future to get best astrology predictions from our expert Astrolger.


No matter either it a day or night, our expert Astrolger is just a call away.


Get astrological help while in any corner of the world and get rid of your Challenges.


Never worry about your personal information to share with us, we keep everything confedential

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